At Ademtuin, we believe in the profound connection between humanity and the natural world. What the trees breathe out, we breathe in. This simple yet profound exchange is the essence of life, reminding us to slow down and live in harmony with the cyclic spirals of nature.

After completing my breathwork training, I founded Ademtuin to bring this vision to life. We began our journey in Rotterdam and have since expanded, traveling across the country to share our mission. From vibrant festivals to the serene Ademsalon sessions at Ruigoord, and the tranquil Ademduin sessions in the Dunes of Texel, we are creating sacred spaces for you to pause, reconnect, and breathe deeply.

In addition to our breathwork sessions, we work closely with musicians to integrate the healing power of rhythm and frequency. The harmonious blend of breath and music enhances the experience, allowing you to align your inner rhythms with the natural frequencies of the world around you. Together, breath and music create a symphony that guides you into deeper states of relaxation and connection.

Join us at Ademtuin to rediscover your connection to nature, embrace the rhythm of life, and find peace within the breath. Together, we can slow down and honor the natural cycles that sustain us.

© images by Jordi Wallenburg & Emma Brasser