Cindy Belmon

It's me.

β€” WHO I AM

Hey there, nice to (e)-meet you! I’m Cindy Belmon – a nature lover who is inspired by life and it’s opportunities. My curiosity goes out to bringing people together, creating experiences and facilitating spaces to connect.

I specialize in concept development and creating unique outcomes; events, theatre, art installations, community building projects, workshops and retreats. Connecting the inner and the outer world. With art as one of the highest form of spirituality, I love to combine these worlds. Building bridges between the visible and invisible.

In 2016 I started Eventcare, an all-round event-production studio based in Amsterdam. Building it, creating the new and growing for five years have brought me to where I am right now. From music concepts to community building projects and art installations: “We’ve travelled the world and the seven seas”.

With many years of experience in creating programs for hundreds of people to reconnect I’ve now partnered up with One Day Retreats, creating even more spaces for connection. At One Day Retreats, my entrepreneurial mind and spiritual exploration come together.

Re-connecting to deeper layers within myself opened up new doors and creative outbursts, after finishing my studies as a breathwork facilitator in 2022. Please check


Connecting worlds
Connecting humans
Connecting teams
Creating concepts
Creating immersive theatre
Creating conscious events
Turning ideas into concepts


Connection – Creation – Nature